Qi Gong Courses: Learn Qi Gong

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Considering a Qi Gong Course? 

It is a great idea to take up a hobby in Qi Gong by doing a Qi Gong course. It will allow you to escape your mind and destress. In addition, you get the opportunity to meet new people and make friends. It is a great workout for the body that has many mental and physical health benefits. The good news is there are tons of Qi Gong courses currently available both online and in-person with part-time and evening class options. 

What Is Qi Gong? 

The translation of Qi Gong is ‘energy work’. Qi Gong is an Asian kind of yoga that has been around for thousands of years. Most of it is performed while standing. Although there are a number of seated sets also. There are hundreds of systems of Qi Gong that have come from a variety of lineages and most of them focus on different fields. Most are health orientated, while a separate group comes through the martial arts lineages. These systems act to harness willpower, to focus and to help practitioners channel their energy through their palms.  

There are many systems from the temples and monasteries that are more focused around spiritual cultivation and depth of meditation. Some involve moving while others are visualisation based. Nearly all of them involve specialised breathing, which is coordinated with the activity at hand. The guiding principle of all these practices is the coordination of the eyes with the body movements, the focus of the mind and the breath, especially for the moving practices.  

What Will I Learn? 

Each Qi Gong course will vary. However, there are some topics you can expect to learn in any Qi Gong course. Therefore, you can expect to gain in-depth study into the practices of Qi Gong and Taoist meditation. You will also learn instructions for stress reduction, self-healing, energy enhancement, emotional balance and spiritual insight. You will learn lots of tools that can take you from where you are to where you want to be energetically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. In addition, you will learn the history, theory and practical information relevant to Qi Gong. You will also learn how to help other people. Some courses may cover more than you read here. If you would like an exact list of topics, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the course provider. They will be happy to hear you are interested in their course and delighted to help you in answering your questions.  

Career Opportunities 

After completing your Qi Gong course, you could become a Qi Gong Instructor and help other people to reduce their stress and heal their energies and emotional balance. You could even start up your own Qi Gong business where you are in charge of the lot! 

If you’re serious about doing a Qi Gong course, check out courses near you in the Nightcourses.co.uk national course finder.  


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