Auditing Courses – Become An Auditor

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Considering a Course in Auditing?

The word “audit” means to evaluate and Auditors are the people who evaluate where the money is coming from, where it’s going, and what it is doing each step of the way along that process.

All publicly-traded companies are required to validate their financial positions with an audit and while not legally required many privately held companies will also often perform audits at the request of banks, investors, and other stakeholders. The goal of an Audit is to assure investors and stakeholders that the company’s cash flow, balance sheets, and profit and loss statements are accurate and fairly stated.

The job of an Auditor is to go through each of these statements and balances and test each balance to confirm if it is correct, these tests are conducted in several ways and usually over a random sample of statements. There are a lot of channels within a business that money can flow through and the bigger the company the more accounts there are to follow, making Auditing a varied and dynamic career especially within today’s global economy.

As long as there are businesses there will be a need for Auditors and the great news is that there are many Auditing courses currently available for you to get started.

What is Auditing?

An Audit is an objective examination and evaluation of the financial statements of a business to make sure that the records are a fair and accurate representation of the transactions they claim to represent. It can be done internally by employees of the company or externally by an outside firm. The basic objectives of auditing are verification of accounts and statements, detection of errors or frauds, and prevention of errors or frauds.

An audit provides a company with the opportunity to gain valuable insight into how their business is performing. Auditors add value to any business because they are the ultimate checking process to ensure that the business is growing and moving in the right direction for growth and that there are no areas where a company is losing money.

When most people think of an Audit it immediately brings to mind the Tax Men showing up with their calculators in hand ready to go through every invoice and receipt looking for mistakes, and while that is one type of Audit there are many other forms such as operational, compliance, information systems, and integrated audits.

What Will I Learn about Auditing?

  • You will learn about the various types of Audits in more detail and their role within a company.
  • You will learn about continuous and detailed audits as well as periodical or final audits.
  • You will learn how to verify statements and accounts and how to detect and prevent errors or frauds.
  • You will learn how to conduct an audit from start to end.
  • You will learn how to review, analyze and evaluate processes, products, services, and systems.
  • You will be able to assess the accuracy and validity of the information presented.
  • You will learn about controls that can be used to protect businesses and assets against various risks.
  • You will be able to identify and explain risks, controls, and other important terms in auditing.

Career Opportunities

After completing your course in Auditing, you can expect to work as an Auditor, Forensic Accountant, Tax Accountant, Compliance Officer, Internal Auditor, Financial Planner, Tax Attorney, Accounting Clerk, or Tax Consultant.

If you’re serious about doing a course in Auditing and would like to find out more about Auditing and the Finance industry, check out courses in the national course finder.


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