Adults Going Back to School: Tips for Success For Mature Students

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Whether you require a new career fast, need to accelerate your career to the next level or just wish to finish your degree, there is a lot to consider for adults going back to school, particularly if you have been out of school for a while. However, do not fret, with a small bit of preparation, organisation and a can-do attitude, you can go back to education at any stage in your life and be a successful student. In this article, we will provide some tips to help those adults going back to education.  

1. Be Organised 

Needless to say, by deciding to go back to education, your daily schedule just got a little bit busier. Life is busy enough with work, home and children. Adding education to that mix means if you are not well organised, it could get pretty hard to get everything done. Here are some tips to get organised: 

  • Make and use lists of things that need to get done daily, weekly and monthly.  
  • Get into a solid routine that enables you to accomplish everything you need to. Ensure study/class time is a priority and becomes a habit.  
  • Use a calendar to track important dates such as the first say of the course, exams, midterms and much more.  
  • Check to see if your school offers any adult learner resources or training on study habits and organising. Your school can be an excellent resource for help if you use them. 

2. If You Have Children, Prepare Them 

For the parents who are returning to education, this can be particularly challenging. Children demand a lot of attention and time. The more you prepare them ahead of time, the better they will adapt and adjust to your new schedule. So, sit them down and have a conversation with them and explain what you are doing and why. Of course, you will have to remind them of the why, but that is okay. Soon, they will begin to expect you to be at class or to be at the kitchen table studying.  

3. Prepare Yourself for New Classroom Tech 

If you have been out of school for a long time, then you need to prepare yourself for technology advancements that have been brought to the classroom. This is particularly true if you are taking online courses. You may need to brush up on your computer skills in a means to keep up. However, do not panic. Most schools that offer online learning also offer and do introductions to online learning classes and technology skills. This will help you get up to speed and be comfortable with this new technology quickly.  


It is an excellent idea to return to education. No matter your reasons for returning, you need to prepare and organise yourself for returning to education. This article provided three tips for success when it comes to returning to education. Make use of these tips so that you can excel at your new course.  


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