Adult Learners Are Returning to Education: 6 Reasons Why

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Adults are returning to education to add to their existing degrees or to complete degrees they once started. This is becoming extremely common. With flexible coursework opportunities, including the likes of online education and new technologies that many adult learners want to learn, the opportunities are absolutely endless. Whilst each individual has their own reasons for returning to education, there are some reasons that seem to be common, including the six we will mention in this article.  

1. Boost Your Earning Potential 

Everyone wants to earn more money, right? Well, this is why many adults are going back to school. Adults who go back to school to acquire these new and valued skills can boost their earning potential substantially. Most people find they can move beyond their current positions into managerial positions or other roles of leadership with additional training, and that kind of move usually comes with extra income. Going back to education at 40 or even 50 makes sense if it opens the door to a greater number of financial opportunities.  

2. Beginning a New Career Path 

Most adults find that, after a decade or two in their current line of work, they just do not love it anymore, if they ever did. They may discover that their passions lie elsewhere, but they need additional training to launch their new career path. Going back to school can open the door to new career paths. Perhaps you are not unhappy in your current line of work, but you have learned about a new opportunity with greater potential. Again, most adults going back to college are doing so to open these new career paths, so feel free to hump on board if you see opportunities you wish to pursue.  

3. Your Income Has Increased 

Student loan debt is a big problem all across the globe. Maybe you did not finish or start your college degree because of the fears of adding to your debt load. Now that you have begun working and your income has grown, you may have the resources to return to education and complete your schooling without student loans.  

4. You Did Not Get the Opportunity to Go to School When You Were Younger 

Not everyone leaves their secondary school and immediately enters college life. Sometimes older learners are not adults returning to college but rather adults starting college for the first time. There is absolutely no shame in beginning your degree in your 30s or 40s. If you have the opportunity now to pursue what you could not in your 20s, go for it and pursue it.  

5. You Did Not Complete Your Degree 

Some adult learners returning to college may have not completed their degree the first-time round and are looking to go back to complete it. Some may have found financial burden was too high or started a family or got caught up in the demands of early parenting. If you are among those who started college but never finished, you may have the opportunity to complete your degree now.  

6. Your Skill Sets Needs to be Updated 

Maybe you discovered that your current skill set is no longer sufficient for the needs of your job. This often happens when there are technology advancements. Adults going back to education have the opportunity to acquire new skills that can translate into better work opportunities. In addition, going back to school after seeing where your career path takes you will provide the opportunity to learn the specific skills you know you will need, rather than generic skills that may or may not apply to your line of work. 


Adults going back to education have numerous reasons for pursuing their degrees. From gaining skills and business knowledge to increasing your earning potential and finally completing your degree, your reasons are highly personal. With the many hybrid and online education opportunities out there, adults now have more options than ever before to make their degrees possible. If you have been toying with the idea of going back to education, don’t think twice, pursue your dreams. 


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